
Tel Aviv is busting out all over. Already known as the city that never sleeps because of its many clubs, bars, restaurants, Carlebach Street, named after pioneering Israeli journalist, Ezriel Carlebach, is fast becoming part of the city’s night life scene.

Carlebach isn’t a long street which makes finding your way around relatively simple. It’s also centrally located between the HaShalom and the HaGana train stations. It’s within easy walking distance of the Azrieli Towers shopping mall, trendy Rothschild Boulevard, and cultural centers such as the HaBima National Theatre and the Cameri Theatre – two of Tel Aviv’s and Israel’s leading theater companies.

It’s a wide, tree lined street with plenty of shops and a great selection of coffee shops for when you need a cup of Java or a cold drink.

Carlebach’s night life

Tel Aviv is a changing city, a city that is slowly being transformed by new construction projects. Carlebach is no exception and, like so many Tel Aviv streets, is a mixture of old and new. But rather than being a distraction, this actually adds to the street’s character.

One of the changes that the street has undergone over the past couple of years is its transformation into a popular place to hang out and party during the evening and on through to the early hours of the morning. Loads of new dance bars and music places have sprung up around the area and draw in young people from all over Tel Aviv. Don’t expect the fun to really get going until 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. but once it starts – it doesn’t stop until the wee small hours of the night.

Whatever your taste in music (well almost – classical music lovers may not find what they’re looking for here) you’ll find it in one of the bars, pubs or clubs.


At the northern end of Carlebach is one of Tel Aviv’s latest and most exciting developments – the Sarona Colony.

37 old Templar building have been lovingly restored to their original beauty and the entire area has been transformed into an upmarket and upbeat open air, urban park and commercial center with elegant coffee shops, classy restaurants, art galleries and loads of specialty shops.

The designers of this project have managed to create an oasis of peace and tranquility in the heart of Tel Aviv – old stone building surrounded by green lawns, trees and plants, this is a magical experience and one that you mustn’t miss.

Tel Aviv Main Attractions

1 tel aviv seaport Carlebach
Tel Aviv Seaport
2 dizengoff Carlebach
Dizengoff & Ben Yehuda St. ​
3 the boardwalk Carlebach
Tel Aviv Boardwalk​
4 allenby Carlebach
Allenby St.
5 lilinblum Carlebach
Lilienblum – Levontine – Nahalat Binyamin St.​
8 hamasjer Carlebach
Ha’Masger – Ha’Rakevet St.
9 florentin Carlebach
king george street tel aviv thumb 5 Carlebach
King George -Tshernechovsky
6 ibn gvirol Carlebach
Ibn Gabirol​
10 ramat hachayal Carlebach
Ramat Hahayal
7 karlibach Carlebach

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*בתוקף עד ה-27/2/2025