The Wolfson Medical Centre opened in 1980 in the city of Holon, which is on the southern border of Tel Aviv. The hospital has a catchment area of over half a million residents. It is the 9th largest hospital in Israel and is named after Lady Edith Specterman Wolfson. When first established, the hospital had some 350 beds which has today been expanded to almost 800.
Today the hospital has over 60 wards and departments providing a wide range of modern medical services and treatments. As befitting a major medical center, its medical staff, doctors, specialists, surgeons and medical technicians are all highly trained and experienced. More than 100 of the Center’s doctors are instructors and professors at the Tel Aviv Medical University. The majority of the hospital’s departments are affiliated with the medical school and participate in advanced medical research projects.
The hospital also has a Nursing School, also named after Lady Wolfson. However, the nursing school first opened its doors as an independent institution under the auspices of the Israeli Ministry of Health in 1975. In 1992 the school became merged with the Tel Aviv University Nursing School and, as well as regular nursing studies, opened an academic track for a BA in nursing.
As befits a leading medical institution and one affiliated with a university medical school the hospital has since its establishment, been active in many fields of research including international research programs in genetics, microbiology and biochemistry. Wolfson Medical Center is one of the key areas of medical tourism in Israel
With a well-earned reputation for excellence in inpatient treatment and care, the Center excels in the treatment of cancer, neurological disorders, cardiac disease, endocrine treatments, urological diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in children and adults.
The Wolfson Medical Center also hosts the international non-for-profit “Save a Childs Heart” organization. This philanthropic organization has set itself the goal of providing urgently needed heart surgery and follow-up care for children from developing countries where the heart surgery they require is unobtainable.
Every day the organization’s doctors and medical teams, many of who come from the Wolfson Medical Center and give their time and experience voluntarily, save a child’s life by bringing the child to Israel for life-saving surgery or when on medical missions around the world. To date, SACH has cared for over 3,700 children many from areas plagued by war such as Iraq, Syria, Gaza and the Palestinian West Bank, as well as some of the poorest countries in the world such as Ethiopia and Tanzania. 50% of the children who have been treated are from Israel’s Middle East neighbors – the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Iraq, and Morocco.
Address: Ha-Lokhamim St 62, Holon.
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*בתוקף עד ה-27/2/2025